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I'm Joe Walsh,

                                                      a former Republican Congressman from Illinois. I was a leading voice of the Tea Party movement and a nationally syndicated conservative talk radio host before I became a Republican candidate for President in 2020, waging a Republican primary challenge against Donald Trump. Author of the book F*ck Silence: Calling Trump Out for the Cultish, Moronic, Authoritarian Con Man He Is, released in February, 2020. I am the current host of the podcast, "White Flag With Joe Walsh," where I host conversations every week with other well-known individuals modeling how to have respectful dialogue with people with whom I disagree. I also offer commentary every week on current political and cultural issues. I am a Board Member of 97Percent, a bipartisan group of Americans who support the Second Amendment, gun safety and responsible gun ownership and we identify pragmatic solutions to reduce gun violence in our communities.

In addition to other networks, I'm regularly seen on CNN and MSNBC for political commentary. I was one of the leading conservative voices in the country, a supporter of Donald Trump in 2016 then, in 2018, I became Trump's most
outspoken conservative opponent, and remain that today. A lifelong Republican, I left the Republican Party in February of 2020. I am now a political independent who spends my time trying to wake the country up to the threat that Trump/Trumpism is and to rescue people from the
MAGA cult. I endeavor to heal what I helped to break and to bridge the political divide here in America.


White Flag With Joe Walsh 

Listen to the latest episode

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